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Introducing our Sunset Glow Bouquet, an exquisite oval - shaped flower arrangement featuring vibrant Mokara orchids. This stunning design is meticulously arranged in a sleek half-moon vase, showcasing the orchids' rich amber toned hues in an elegant and modern presentation.


The oval shape of the arrangement enhances the natural beauty and graceful lines of the Mokara orchids, creating a harmonious and balanced display. The unique half-moon vase adds a contemporary touch, perfectly complementing the lush, exotic blooms.


Ideal for any sophisticated setting, the Sunset Glow Bouquet brings a touch of luxury and elegance, making it a perfect centerpiece or a memorable gift for someone special. This arrangement promises to captivate and delight with its bold colors and artistic design.


Sunset Glow

Hue Options
  • We deliver Monday - Saturday. Online orders must be placed by noon for next-day delivery and by 10AM for same - day delivery. Contact us at 917.572.4305 for more details.

    Delivery Method

    Delivery within Manhattan/Bronx $30

    Delivery within Queens/Brooklyn/New Jersey (delivery fees begin at $65+) $65+

    1. Change the water regularly (every 2 days) after the second day of delivery. 
    2. Place a drop of bleach in the water to kill any bacteria from the stems. This should be completed whenever you refresh the water.
    3. Trim about 2-3cm from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle. This should be completed whenever you refresh the water.
    4. Place blooms in a cool place at all times.
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