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Enduring bouquets for those who love customary styling and opulent composition. A extraordinary bouquet designed with a European panache, including a abundance of different varieties of refined and breathtaking blooms.


This bouquet displays the overall flair based on the color palette you selected. This beauty includes Roses, Zinnia, & Golden Rod.


This bouquet displays the overall flair based on the color palette you selected. The actual arrangement that we design for your order will be just as stunning, but not necessarily replicated based on availability.


* Bouquet as shown $180

Golden Glow

  • We're currently delivering in NYC Monday - Saturday. Online orders must be placed by 2pm for next day delivery. Call 917.572.4305 by 11am for same day delivery.

    1. Change the water regularly (every 2 days) after the second day of delivery. 
    2. Place a drop of bleach in the water to kill any bacteria from the stems. This should be completed whenever you refresh the water.
    3. Trim about 2-3cm from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle. This should be completed whenever you refresh the water.
    4. Place blooms in a cool place at all times.
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